
Menggunakan Mutt sebagai manajeman email dan mailing list

Mutt menggunakan memory dan space HD yang sangat kecil. Bekerja dengan cepat tanpa mengorbankan performa, sehingga dapat menjadi pilihan yang baik bagi para pekerja networking, atau dalam sebuah sistem multi user.

Why Use Mutt ?
- Mudah untuk manajemen topik milis

Apa saja yang perlu disiapkan ?
- Fetchmail, procmail, dan SMTP yang sudah terinstall
- Install mutt

Bahan Tulisan
- Mutt 1.3.28i (2002-03-13) default distro debian woody 3.0
- Sendmail / Exim
- Beberapa artikel relevant

1. Set up Fetchmail

[dhadhank@excelso]# vi .fetchmailrc

#---------------start script---------------

poll mail.sby.pesat.net.id proto pop3 username dhadhank password xxxxxxxxx
mda "procmail -d %T"

#---------------end script---------------

[dhadhank@excelso]# chmod 0710 .fetchmailrc

2. Set Up procmail
Letakkan milis-milis dimana account anda menjadi member dalam .procmailrc (thx to mas Iwan)

[dhadhank@excelso]# vi .procmailrc

#---------------start script---------------

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail # ini letak directory mail saya
DEFAULT=$HOME/Mail/INBOX # disinilah mbox saya berada
LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/from # saya set from ini adalah lognya

*To: .klas-talk@regex.com

*To: .linux-admin@linux.or.id

*To: .bridge@math.leidenuniv.nl

#..... dst

#---------------end script---------------

[dhadhank@excelso]# chmod 440 .procmailrc

3. Buat dir Mail/ dan buat arsip-nya

[dhadhank@excelso]# mkdir Mail/
[dhadhank@excelso]# mkdir Mail/archive

4. Buat file personal konfigurasi mutt, misal :

[dhadhank@excelso]# vi .muttrc

#---------------start script---------------

ignore *
unignore from date subject to cc
unignore organization organisation x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
unignore posted-to:

# About My
set realname='Dhadhank'
set record="+archive/now"
my_hdr X-Operating-System:`uname -a`
my_hdr Organization:KLAS (Kelompok Linux Arek Suroboyo)
my_hdr Return-Path: dhadhank@sby.pesat.net.id
my_hdr Return: dhadhank@sby.pesat.net.id
my_hdr From: dhadhank@sby.pesat.net.id
my_hdr From-Path: dhadhank@sby.pesat.net.id

set sort=threads
set hostname = sby.pesat.net.id
set use_domain
set signature = ~/.signature

# Mailing Lists
lists klas-talk klas-talk@regex.com
lists e36member e36member@egroups.com
lists klas-talk@regex.com
lists linux-admin@linux.or.id
lists bridge@math.leidenuniv.nl
lists arsip-ngoprek@yahoogroups.com
lists Linux-Networking@senator-bedfellow.mit.edu
lists Bursa-ponsel@yahoogroups.com
lists bridge@math.leidenuniv.nl
lists tech@openbsd.org
lists ports@openbsd.org
lists solid-team@sby.pesat.net.id
lists debid@yahoogroups.com
lists indocisco@yahoogroups.com

# Mailboxes
mailboxes = Mail/ Bursa-ponsel@yahoogroups.com
mailboxes = Mail/INBOX
mailboxes = Mail/Linux-Networking
mailboxes = Mail/Tech-Update
mailboxes = Mail/arsip-ngoprek
mailboxes = Mail/bridge
mailboxes = Mail/debid
mailboxes = Mail/from
mailboxes = Mail/kpli-surabaya
mailboxes = Mail/linux-admin
mailboxes = Mail/ ports@openbsd.org
mailboxes = Mail/pribadi
mailboxes = Mail/saved-messages
mailboxes = Mail/sent-mail
mailboxes = Mail/solid-team
mailboxes = Mail/ tech@openbsd.org
mailboxes = Mail/yahoo

set beep_new # beep if new mail comes in
set postpone=ask-yes # ask me before postponing
set delete=ask-yes # ask me before deleting
set quit=yes # skip exit prompt

# This color scheme aims to highlight as much useful information as
# possible without spoiling user's visual experience by irritating
# contrasts.
# --Dmitry Borodaenko < angdraug@mail.ru>

color attachment green default
color signature brightblue default
color tilde brightblue default

color quoted green default
color quoted1 cyan default
color quoted2 yellow default
color quoted3 red default

color body brightred default "[\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+" # email
color body brightblue default "(http|ftp)://[\-\.\,/%~_:?\#a-zA-Z0-9]+" # URL
color body brightgreen default "(^| |[[:alnum:].]+:+)~?\(/[-_.[:alnum:]]+\)+/?"# Unix file path
color body brightgreen default "(^| +)[[:alpha:]]:[-_.[:alnum:]\]+" # DOS file path
color body brightmagenta default "(^|[ '\"]+)\\$[[:alpha:]][-_[:alpha:]]+" # variable
color body brightred default "[*/_]+[-&[:alnum:]]+[*/_]+" # bold/underline
color body yellow default "(^| )[;:8�[-^o]?[)>(|/\\]+" # smiley
color body red default "[!?]{3,}" # exclamation
color body green default "^ *[-+*o] +" # list item

color header brightgreen black ^From:
color header brightcyan black ^To:
color header brightcyan black ^Reply-To:
color header brightcyan black ^Cc:
color header brightblue black ^Subject:

color header brightcyan default "^newsgroups: "
color header yellow default "^Delivered-To: "
color header green default "^sender: "
color header green default "^organi[sz]ation: "
color header green default "x-editor: "
color header green default "(x-mailer|user-agent): "
color header green default "X-Operating-System: "
color header green default "X-MimeOLE: "
color header green default "X-Accept-Language: "
color header red default "^message-id:"
color header red default "^in-reply-to: "
color header red default "^references: "
color header cyan default "^followup-to: "
color header cyan default "^mail-followup-to: "
color header cyan default "^reply-to: "
color header magenta default "MIME-Version: "
color header magenta default "Content-Type: "
color header magenta default "Content-Transfer-Encoding: "
color header magenta default "Content-Disposition: "
color header magenta default "Content-Encoding: "
color header magenta default "Content-Language: "

color status brightwhite blue

color index brightblue default '~P' # from me
color index cyan default '~p' # personal
color index brightcyan default '~G' # PGP
color index brightred default '~F' # flagged
color index green default '~Q' # replied
color index brightwhite default '~N' # new
color index brightred default '~D' # deleted

# spam
color index magenta default "\(Resent-\)?Message-Id: <>"
color index magenta default "\(Resent-\)?Message-Id: '<.* .*>'"
color index magenta default "\(Resent-\)?Message-Id: localhost"
color index magenta default "! \(Resent-\)?Message-Id: @&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;
color index magenta default '~C Undisclosed.*Recipients'

#--------------------end script---------------------

5. Jalankan Mutt
[dhadhank@excelso]# mutt
C'mon... use your imagination...
sangat mudah koq mengoperasikan mutt. Key-nya pun bisa di reconfigurasi ulang.
Secara default :

key fungsi letak aksi
j atas Index
k bawah Index
z naik 1 halaman Index
Z turun 1 halaman Index
<enter> buka pesan Index
m Compose Index, pager
r Reply Index, pager
f Forward Index, pager
d Delete Index, pager
c Lihat Mailbox lain Index, pager
v Lihat attachment Index, pager
q Quit Index, pager

6. Notes..
- System konfigurasi secara luas di /etc/Muttrc
- Setiap user dapat memiliki personal konfig di $HOME/.muttrc

7. Pustaka
- http://www.linuxnovice.org/main_printer.php3?t_id=146
- http://www.devshed.com/Server_Side/Administration/Mutt/print_html
- http://www.mutt.org

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